As teachers we don't really get to have the luxury of taking long holidays.
We can't just wake up in the morning and be like oh I don't feel like going to school today, I feel like going on a cruise.
Most of us even worry about school related things on our days off.
So when given a week-long vacation we make the most out of it.
From the 13th to the 19th of August, I took a much needed get away. I went to Akita with my mom.
Chris sensei drove us around to see places.
We went to a waterfalls, we didn't really swim but we dip our feet and just enjoy the surroundings.
It was such a peaceful place, it's a bit of a drive from the city so nobody really goes there.
It's a good place to go to if you want to clear your mind.

I had a chance to visit Our Lady of Akita. It's a wooden sculpture of the Blessed Virgin Mary who is believed to be miraculous. It is housed in a Catholic Church in Yuzawadai, Akita. There are two gardens beside the Church. I've been facing so many troubles and loss and visiting the place put my soul at ease. I had a chance to remind myself to trust the process and the Big guy up there won't turn His back on me. I just have to pray, be more patient, and do my part.
It's a good place to reflect and put things into perspective.

We also went to hot springs and bookstores.

We drove to the beach to chase the sunset. I'm person who will always be amazed and in awe of the sunset even if I see it everyday.
There's just something about how everything turns gold then fades into pink and purple that gives me a happy feeling.
Despite your hectic schedule make sure to take a break. You don't necessarily need a long Holiday to take a breather.
Make time for yourself on your day off, do something that will make you feel happy.
xo Wendie