State of Mind

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I want to share with you the things that I do to cope,

these are the things that ususally lifts me up when I feel down.


If you have read my first blog entry in here you would know that moving here was a big jump for me. Being here for a holiday is different from being here for employment.

It requires quite an adjustment and i'm slowly finding my balance.

The right amount of everything work, play, and music.

Three factors that are helping me keep my sanity; music, driving, food, and onsen (hot spring).

(I mostly listen to BTS, you should check them out. Their song lyrics are amazing)
(with food I can pretty much anything but here some of what I enjoyed most)
71058263_238644693709468_2803707260159655936_n.jpg(hot springs is good for the body and I also use it as a time to think and assess myself)
70790198_912292259142954_6301051515285012480_n.jpg(being on the road and driving somewhere has always been a source of comfort for me)

One more important thing I have learned is that we have be careful with who we surround ourselves with.

I am trying my best to start surrounding myself with people who gives out positive energy and people who genuinely wants to be with me just because they want to be with me.

I feel like I have had enough negativity in the past and I don't want them anymore.

As much as possible, I only make time for those who brightens up my dull light. 

xo Wendie

エムエムエル英会話教室 / Mml English Class

