Hoikuen is a Daycare system here in Japan. Age ranges from newborns to 5 years old, it's where working parents usually leave their kids for care. We have Hoikuen classes twice a month. 3 groups with 30 minutes in each group.

This particular hoikuen is situated in a very good environment, surrounded by trees, and fresh air.

I always look forward to our hoikuen classes, these kids can really lift your mood without them trying.
Once you enter the classroom you are met with sparkling expectant eyes and huge smiles, beautiful little humans that are eager to learn.
We do greetings, alphabets, shapes, colors, a few songs and dances. Simple things, if you think of it; however, these simple things mean so much to these kids.
You can see it in the way they try their best in class.
Their response fuels me to do better in what I do.
There are these kids, my students that are eager to learn something from me.

The best thing is my take away after every class, high fives, huge smiles, and hugs.
I couldn't ask for more, their warmth is more than enough.
xo Wendie

エムエムエル英会話教室 / Mml English Class