Free Lesson at MML Fukushima
is still on going.
We give free lessons for those
who are interested to enroll
in our english classes.
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our free lessons
you can email us
at info@mml-learners.com
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Here is our feature from
Living town newspaper
We hope to hear from you!


Hi, i'm teacher Miku. I'm half japanese and half Filipino.
I grew up in japan until I was 16 years old, then I went to the Philippines to finish my studies.
I finished Bachelors of Secondary Education major in Mathematics.
It was great experience studying in the Philippines because the environment I grew up in and the Philippines are so different.
I learned not only about education, but how to be thankful about everything I had growing up and living in a first world country.
Nice to meet you!

こんにちは、みく先生です。 わたしは日本とフィリピンのハーフです。 わたしは16歳まで日本で育ちました。そして17歳からフィリ
ピンのハイスクールに行きました。大学では教育学部の数学科で、4年間勉強しました。 フィリピンでの5年間は、私にとってとても


See you all after the break!!

To kick off February, I want to share these words I keep close to my heart and my thoughts about them.
These are words that always makes me think and makes me want to be better.
Allow me to share 3 quotes from a Phenomenal Woman, Maya Angelou.
1. "You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you."
There are times that I fall into a slump because of my finances that I forget why I do what I do. It often leads me to think that I can't seem to accomplish anything no matter how hard I try. Thus, these quote is what drags me back up. It reminds me of why I am here, and that if I focus more on doing it with love, accomplishment will follow. Life isn't just about money and accomplishment is not always about how fat your bank account is.
2. "The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise."
I've always thought that there is no greater achievement than touching the hearts of people around you.
3. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Words will fade but how you make people feel will always stay. Let's be careful with how we treat people. A little kindess could go a long way.
Have a wonderful February and I hope these words can touch your hearts as well.
With Love,
Wendie <3
