
Flowers on my way to work

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"If you look the right way,

you can see that the whole world is a garden." 

- Frances Hodgson Burnett


Just a simple reminder of hope in the times today.

There are days that I walk to work

and it takes a little more time

becuse of the flowers on the way.


There are several flowerbanks

on the sidewalk in my way to work,

and I always feel the need

to pause and admire the flowers,

sometimes I take a few photos too.

In doing that my mood always increases positively. 


I hope you too can take a pause

once in a while and admire the little things around you.

Keep smiling!

Things will get better!

Have a great day!

Wendie <3


にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

New School Year!

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Hello Everyone!

Welcome to a New School Year.

All classes are still done in a one-on-one setting.


We are also putting into consideration,

and looking into offering online classes.


It's still in the early planning stage,

we will give updates about it

in this blog and in our news letters.

FREE LESSONS are still on going!


To schedule a free lesson

call us at 





or email us at




Let's take extra care of our health! 

Wendie <3


にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ